
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Wrthlss Noob!

While I'm late in posting about it, Wrthlss Noob turned 1 year old Sunday. For posterity's sake, I'm posting a screenie of my Hiscores:

While I think that 1807 total levels and a 104.9 Combat Level isn't a bad acomplishment, I was hoping to have a Skill Cape by now. But I do take solace in the fact that I have a Quest Cape (which is my favorite cape anyways), I'm ranked within the top 100,000 players in Runescape, all my skills are 60+, I got the Inferno Adze, and all the Achievement Diaries done.

Happy Birthday Wrthlss Noob!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A New Set of Goals

I was kind of at a loss after getting the Adze (much like I was after getting my Quest Cape to begin with and after completing While Guthix Sleeps). When you train for a really long time on one thing, it's difficult to figure out what to do next. But during the course of Firemaking and getting the Adze, I had learned some things.

First thing I learned was that burning maple logs takes a great deal of time. I've always been a "work smarter instead of harder" type of guy, and things that take a long time annoy me...especially when I could be doing something else to make it faster (I.E. burning mage logs).

I also learned that the Spirit Hydra's scrolls regrow your trees in farming plots. The Summoning level required for these familiar is 80. To plant a Magic tree, you need 75 Farming.

I'm sure you see where this is going...

This got me to thinking: having easy access to free magic logs could help me out in countless ways. While the Firemaking aspect is obvious (I still want a skill cape), I also have an 80 Fletching and can fletch Magic Short Bows (and work towards another cape)...which I can Alch for money and Magic experience (enter cape #3 in the long term). This is not to mention that Magic logs themselves are worth somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.3k each. And the whole process of this would give me a whole lot of Woodcutting experience (yet another cape!)

It's a great plan, with a sole hitch: my Summoning skill is currently 66.

I've shown my humble readers (if any) that I'm not opposed to power-training a skill when I want something. Power-training the Summoning skill is limited, however, by how fast you can get your hands on charms, specifically crimson and blue charms. This is not to even mention the fact that most of the charms I can make will cost insane amounts of money to infuse en-masse.

Charms are easily found in most monster drops. However, the drop rate and type is highly unpredictable and the process is slow. I have also heard that you can get charms as rewards from the Castle Wars-esque minigame: Soul Wars. But it's relatively new and I know little about it.

I've had a plan to increase my ability to make money (a more dangerous way than I'm currently working on): God Wars Dungeon. People brag about making ludicrious amounts of money here, and that's exactly what I need. From what I understand, I have the basic skills I need to go, and I have purchased the necessary gear. This is where the wheels fell off the wagon: the two people who were supposed to show me the ropes to get me started haven't been around. Time to start looking for a "Plan B." I'll probably handle it in typical Wrthlss Noob style by researching it myself and having a go at it alone. This will require careful planning, and before I go, I'll want to be able to make my own Range Potions (72 Herblore).

That's just for Summoning, however. I still need a 75 Farming to pull this off as well. This is easy, and I'm already prepared to start. I have a huge number of bird's nests (containing tree seeds) stockpiled from my kingdom at Miscelania. All I really need to do is get back to planting trees.

With these new goals in hand, I set out...

The Inferno Adze


The quest for the Adze was definately a trying experience, let me tell you. While the single Agility level I needed wasn't much of a problem, the 11 Firemaking levels I needed were. It required me to reduce 23k maple logs to ashes, and at about 1.5k-2k per day (a couple of days I managed 3k), this took a couple of weeks. I literally did nothing (other than my dailys) but burn logs. And this was just getting the skills to get it.

To actually acquire the Inferno Adze, one needs to light all 14 of the All Fired Up beacons, and have them all burning simultaneously. These beacons are stretched from Paterdomus (the temple passageway to Canifis) to Ice Plateau in the Wilderness. While the Wilderness isn't as hazardous as it used to be, it still has it's dangers when you aren't combat prepared. A Revenant Ork managed to have it's way with me between the beacon at God Wars Dungeon and Ice Plateau when I was loading the beacons.

And now to the cost. Better logs burn longer, so to get the Adze you want the best logs you can get your hands on: Magic logs. Each beacon takes 20 logs to load it, and the assistant at the beacon holds 5 for you. This is 25 logs per beacon, except the last 3, which don't have assistants. This is a grand total of 335 Magic logs, and at 1.3k gp each: 435.5k gp. And I lost about 20 and had to buy more which put me up to about 461k gp. I could have tried to cut them myself, but the trees are usually over populated and this would have taken considerable time (I had already spent enough time getting 92 Firemaking in the first place).

The trip itself went smoothly. I'm documenting how I did it here, so if someone asks me how I did it, I can refer them here.

Getting Ready: Obviously, the first thing I did was load all the logs. This gave me the opportunity to make any necessary repairs and talk to the assistants. Talking to the assistants is an important step, because several of them require something before they'll help you. Check out the Minigame guide on Tip It to see what you'll need.

The Process: I wore nothing but the Ring and Gloves of Fire (previous rewards from this minigame) Amulet of Glory and a Combat Bracelet. I took a tinderbox, a Teleport to House tablet, a Spirit Terrorbird familiar and 25 Magic logs from the bank. The first thing I did was go to Oo'glog and bathe in the salt-water spring to quicken my run. This gives me unlimited run for a decent amount of time (one less thing to be concerned with). Once I got out, I hit my tab and used the portal in my house and used my Kharill portal. From the Canifis bar, I went through the temple to the first beacon. From here I lit beacons 1-5, running the entire trip. After lighting the 5th, I teleported to Edgeville.

At Edgeville, I summoned my familiar and reloaded my inventory. I then took the following: Tinderbox (obviously), 4 law runes, 4 fire runes, Goblin Village teleport orb (from Dorgesh-Kaan), Games Necklace, Super-Restore Potion and the rest of the logs (12 of which I gave to my familiar). I ran up and lit the 6th, and used my combat bracelet to teleport to the Monestary. From here I ran to the 7th and lit it. I used the Goblin Village orb and lit the 8th. I took the logs from my familiar and then teleported to Burthorpe via the Games necklace and lit the 9th. From here I didn't go directly to the 10th, but instead teleported to Trollheim and lit the 11th beacon, climbed down the ladder and backtracked to the 10th (I would have had to walk south from Burthorpe, head east and then back north to get to #10 in order). From the 10th beacon, I teleported to Trollheim again, this time going north past God Wars Dungeon to get to the 12th (your levels decline steadily in the harsh cold, thus the super-restore potion). I climbed down the agility shortcut into the Wilderness, and headed to the 13th beacon, just north of the temple. Then on to Ice Plateau for #14.

I finally return to King Roland for my very own Infernal Adze!

The actual lighting of the beacons took maybe 15 minutes. Setting up to light the beacons took several hours. But it was worth all the hard work.

In Other News:

The Evil Chicken (as well as all the combat randoms) are gone. We will miss you.

I have also broken combat level 100, and have completed the Karamja and Seer's Village achievement diary. This leaves one more to finish: Falador.

Finally, I also acquired enough Slayer points to learn to make slayer helms!