
Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Longest Mile: Conclusion

As it stands, all that stands in the way of my quest cape is 2 combat levels. I look at my combat experience to try and determine how best to get those levels.
I'm very close to levelling in Attack, Defence and Hit Points, and Dream Mentor will give me 15k in Attack and Hit Points (I can save the lamp for later)...which could potentially shoot me past 85 combat if I'm not careful. I pick up a couple of slayer tasks to see what I can do.
It doesn't take me long to rack up levels in all 3 skills...and no combat level. Rather than risk putting me too close to another level, I stop by Tears of Guthix to get a few Summoning levels. I end up with 34 Summoning, which brings me up to 84 Combat.
I decide that the safest way to get the last combat level is to break down and actually train Summoning. I've got over 2k charms of various colors, so that part won't be a problem. The exorbatant cost, however, does present a problem to me, and I spend well over 500k gp racking up 8 more levels. Now close to broke, I have my 85 Combat level.
I decide to take on Dream Mentor first. This is the one that worries me. I know what I'm up against, and I'm well aware that I've got my work cut out for me. Nothing left but to do it. It's a struggle, and in the process I learn a valuable lesson: if you're making headway, don't leave the "dream world" unless you're about to die. Doing so starts you at the beginning.
It takes a few hours, but I finally find my happy medium between Rings of Recoil, potions and food and get down to the 4th and last monster. This one is only a bit over 100 combat level, and doesn't hit very much. I was somewhat concerned that I didn't have any food left at this point (luckily I still had plenty of HP). It doesn't hit very often, and doesn't hit very hard at all. I finish the quest and get 2 quest points (for a total of 269 quest points).
Then it's off to do Smoking Kills. Two things I didn't like about this quest: it's a desert quest in the worst part of the desert (around the ruins from Dealing with Scabarous quest), and I've never done it before.
I heard it was easy...and it turns out to be true. While there were some close moments, it was nothing too tense and I finish the quest easily. I now have 270 quest points: enough to get a quest cape.

(click for a full-sized image...and take note of my combat level)
As you've seen, this cape requires a lot of work...and at a point almost total devotion to the mission. While this is the easiest Cape of Acomplishment to get, it requires constant maintaince. Every time a new quest comes out, I can't wear my cape until I finish it. But once you've got it, the maintaince isn't difficult.
It took me a little over 6 months to get the cape.

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