
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Chapter 5-Episode 1: Hunter to 50

There are two skills that I enjoy training: Agility and Hunter. Both of these skills have been invaluable to me, and I've developed a bit of a process to get both of these skills to highly useful levels. Today, I divulge my secret to Hunter.

My current Hunter level is 26, so I plan to squash a few more wild kebbits to get to 27, and then do Eagle's Peak quest. This will give me access to early box trapping, and catching rabbits.

It doesn't take very long to get to 27 (in fact, I get to 28 just trying to fill my inventory with claws...and I don't even get there), and I head a little south to do Eagle's Peak. An easy quest, with a bit of running around. I had left the onions I had to grow in the patch near the Ectofuntus, so I had easy access to enough for the dye. Quest Complete: 2 Quest Points, 2,500 Hunter, can catch ferrets and hunt rabbits, can "ride" giant eagles (30 Hunter). Ride is sort of a misnomer: you are more or less keel-hauled through the air. While it's not terribly useful, it does help with some of the more out of the way hunting areas.

Rabbit hunting is useful for getting rabbit's feet, which help get nests while woodcutting, which helps with Farming, Summoning, and Herblore (eventually). Plus, it's good experience at my level.

Since there are numerous useful items to be gained from hunting, I decide to catch the best creature for my current hunter level (not the best XP). I stock up on barb-tail kebbit harpoons, short kebbit bolts, as well as larupia, ghraak, and spotted kebbit fur. I skip the razor back kebbits, since they take too long to run down (tracking). The only thing I don't keep are the orange salamanders. While it's kinda neat to have a fire breathing lizard, they're not overly useful and require somewhat expensive ammo.
It takes me the better part of a day and a half to get to 50 Hunter. I also managed to get 2 out of 3 of the best hunter clothes.

Normally, when I power train hunter after level 43, I stick with falconry until I can catch chinchompas. While many, many, many players will argue with me on this, falconry is the fastest hunter XP you can get. This is because it is dramatically less labor intensive than pitfalling, dead falling, or even catching birds. There are no traps to set up, there are no logs to just click on a kebbit and the falcon does the rest. And you can catch these kebbits indefinately, if you drop the skins...and all you need to take with you is 500 gp.

The fact of the matter is that I've had about 7-8 different characters (besides this one) that have had membership at one time or another. Every last one has had a Hunter level of no less than 72 (imp boxes are absolutely invaluable).

Before anyone asks: don't ask me to name my other characters. First of all: I don't remember many of their names, as some of them existed a long time ago (and some don't exist anymore). Lastly, I don't discuss my other characters. If I'm not playing them anymore, I've got a reason for it. And it will be left at that.

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