
Friday, August 22, 2008

A Zezima Sighting

...In other news, Zezima was sighted in Varrock's west bank today on world 60, and there was much rejoicing in the noob population.

Now, I understand hero worship and all. Really, I get it. Everyone needs someone to look up to. But there a line between normal idolizing and paparazzi-esque stalking. Every rational person knows where this line is, and it isn't really all that fine of a line either. Despite this, I witnessed what was possibly the most revolting display of sycophantic behavior I've witnessed so far this millennium.

While I briefly considered taking a screen shot of this sick display, I didn't. This would make me just like the paparazzi that I despise so much. Trust me, it was nauseating.

Zezima is a guy, just like anyone else. You don't know anything about him, other than the fact that he plays Runescape, and has 99 in (apparently) almost every skill. This is nothing that any of you Zezima groupies couldn't do yourself if you'd quit whining about how hard it is and just do it.

People said Dragon Slayer couldn't be done by a character lower than Combat Level 50. I've proved that wrong.

People think that Legend's quest is a very difficult quest that can't be done by anyone below 70-80 combat level (depending on who you ask). Yep, wrong again.

Not only have I proved the above two misconceptions 100% wrong, I've done so with TWO CHARACTERS.

They all worship a guy they pretty much don't know anything about. However, I don't worship him, and apparently I know more about him than they do.

Because of the groupies that eternally hound him, he leaves public and private chat on friends, if not off. He does this because of everyone chasing him around, wanting to ride around on his coat tails or wanting him to do something for them. When he turns either on, it makes him lag, because he literally gets flooded.

I've had high level characters before, so seeing as he's higher than I've ever attained (yet), he probably sees much more of this than I have: when some people know you have high levels in something, they want to be your friend so they can get something out of you. The conversation usually goes something like this:

Noob (not me): Wat u doin
Noob (me): Crafting air orbs to make battlestaves.
Noob (not me): Cool!
Noob (not me): Friends?
Noob (me): Sure, why not?
Noob (not me, in pm): So wen ever u git dose bstaffs done u can give me 1, k?
Noob (me): *Removes Noob (not me) from friends list*

The above is an actual conversation I had on another character I was playing, for the most part word for word, and it took part in a span of less than 2 minutes (the names have been changed to protect the criminally retarded). Note at the end how he didn't exactly ask me if he could have one. He just let me know that I was going to give it to him. And this is not the only conversation I've had like that. I've had quest capes before, and people will walk up to you and strike up a random conversations about nothing, ask to be friends, and instantly ask for help on a quest.

Of course, we have the anti-worshipers, as well! They, from what I can see, spend 5$ a month to hang around in a bank, waiting for Zezima to log in so they can bad mouth him. When you have a guy with a combat level of low to mid 50's, standing around repeatedly typing "Zezimas a noob!!!!!!!!!1111oneone", it's what is known as jealousy. Again, a problem that is solved simply by worrying more about your own character's progress than someone else's.

I imagine this is what Zezima goes through...every single second he plays Runescape. He is hounded every single moment of his RS existence by a group of people who live only to have their worship recognized.

Nobody likes it when someone runs up to them while they're trying to do something, and do anything they can to make it difficult to do it (door spammers were a textbook example of this). Yet they think nothing of charging up and trying to interfere with Zezima's game play.

I don't worship Zezima. I don't hate him either. But I do feel sorry for him. That being said: I'm glad to see that he's back.

It gives me a bigger target to shoot at!

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