
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Chapter 1-Episode 9: Save the cows...kill a human!

While cows are profitable and easy, I decided I wanted something with a bit more payoff in experinece and money both. So I gear up and head off to Edgeville, and make my way to the Edgeville Dungeon. This dungeon can be very dangerous to a person of my level, so I load up on pike, which is my best food right now. The monsters on my mind are Hill Giants. They have decent drops, but are somewhat close to my level. This means the fights will probably be epic, and my food won't last very long.

The giants are overpopulated (as expected), so I backtrack a bit and start on the zombies. They get a bit boring, so I continue on to the hobgoblins. Those are crowded. Suddenly, I remember exactly why I always pay for membership way early on....

I head back to the Grand Exchange to sell my cowhides. I'm suprised that I have well over 100, which gives me more than enough cash for my next set of armor and next weapon both. I get the axe right away, but there's no adamant armor sets for sale. I leave my bid up and start walking towards Al Kharid to fight the beefy scorpions in the mines north of there. I get as far as the bank and have to go back to get my armor (which goes through about now) and take it out of the set package (this can only be done at the Grand Exchange. Confident that I can spend the time I need to get 30 Attack and 40 Defence, I return to my journey to the desert.

Having my future somewhat secure for the moment, I can enjoy the senseless slaughter in the Al Kharid mines. On an odd and somewhat humorous note, I had a level 3 character following me just outside the mines. I gave him a friendly warning, telling him that "this area isn't healthy for people of your level." Not more than 60 seconds later, I watched a level 19 character make the one way trip to Lumby. Luckily, he only had a 2 handed sword.

The scorpions do manage to hit me a little, so this gives me a great excuse to use up those sardines I have in the bank. The adamant axe kicks my max damage up to 5 (not to mention that I hit more often), and this will undoubtedly make my training faster and easier. Also, while I'm killing the beasties in the mine, I'm grabbing the fire and water rune respawns. This should give me a bit of a stock for when I finally do start training magic.

While beating away, a friendly guy suggested that I should train on the jail guards over by Draynor Village. They're higher level than the scorpions and it's closer to the bank. I lose out on the fire and water runes, but my mage training is a while away yet so I thank him and head out.

The jail guards prove to be very useful for many reasons. Lots of Hit Points means lots of experience, and this makes each dead guard worth 128 experience to the combat stat of my choice (which right now is Defence). Since it's a multi-combat area, I get hit twice as much, which quickly eats up my noob food. I guess all those sardines and herrings won't make it to the party room chest after all...sorry.

30 Defence comes (not so) quickly, and I rush to the bank and suit up in my new adamant armor. While I'm glad to see my Defence hit 30, my combat level reaches 32, giving me some minor concerns about what it will be at 40. I do some calculations and determine by the time I reach 40 Defence, I'll have 31 Hit Points and I use a combat calculator to determine about what my combat level will be at that point. I sigh in relief as the calculator shows me that I'll be about 36 level...well below my goal. I could even raise strength a little bit, but it would be extremely impressive to add "Dragon Slayer" to your resume at combat level 36. Prayer is of no consequence, as the calculator shows that it would take 6 more levels for it to affect my combat level. I also do some post-quest calculations and determine that after the quest, I should have 38 Attack and 44 Defence, with a combat level of exactly: 40! It's decided: I stop training combat at Defence level 40.
All that is left to do now is get my membership and do the quest.
Small side note and tip: Hit Point experience is 1.3 per point damage inflicted, not 1 like I was origionally told. This caused a bit of a miscalculation in my proposed Hit Point level. The correct calculations would be 32 Hit Points with no change in either combat level.

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