
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chapter 1-Episode 3: The Ups and Downs of a Legend

I've had my eye on the Knight's Sword quest for a bit now (it gives a generous chunk of Smithing experience), so I decide to knock that one out of the way. This quest requires you to mine a special (and all but worthless) ore called "Blurite", which only exists in a cave that is overflowing with things that are extremely dangerous to a character with a combat level of 8. The bad thing about this quest is that it's time consuming and entails a lot of walking around (since I don't yet teleport). The good thing is that I'm familiar with the quest, so I know where the hiding places are.

I realize that I'm not able to make iron bars yet (of which I need two...4 if I want a copy of the sword for myself), so I decide to buy them. I also need a redberry pie (which I can now make myself), so i mine enough clay to make 10 pots and pie dishes. This way I'll have some extra food, since I'm down to my last 5 shrimp and cooked meat.

I learn quickly at Barbarian Village that I need a Crafting level of 7 to make pie dishes, so I decide to do Goblin Diplomacy for some quick crafting levels. This means I need to start slaughtering goblins to get goblin armor. I grab my trusty battle axe and get to work.

After the hunt, I end up with an 10 Defence and 13 Hit Points, so I head back to the Grand Exchange to upgrade to the sinister-looking Black Armor. I'm forced to sell my steel set in order to be able to afford it, and while nobody is selling immedately, my bid goes through as I'm gathering the dyes I need for the Goblin Diplomacy quest. I return to Varrock, suit up, and make the journey to Goblin Village. The quest is easy, and since I already have everything I need to finish, it doesn't take long at all. Quest Complete: 200 Crafting exp and a gold bar.

I end up with a Crafting level of 6...about 20 exp short of the 7 I need. I decide to make some extra pots (as these always come in handy) to get what I need. I manage to cook 6 out of the 9 pies, and I head to Falador to start Knight's Sword.

I do most of the major running around, and enter the cave to mine the blurite ore. I get inside, and get the ore without a hitch, but on my way out I get killed by the Ice Warriors guarding the ore. I lose my black legs, helm and my steel pick which I had just recently bought...not to mention the iron bars and ore that I had just mined. A bit of a setback, but I've recovered from far worse. I teleport out of there on the second attempt, and head to Al Kharid to get some more iron. After some friendly assistance from another player, I'm on my way back to Thurgo to get the sword. After taking the sword to the squire in Falador, Quest Complete: 12,725 Smithing Exp (Smithing level: 30).

I need to get a new set of legs for Demon Slayer (plus, I'd like to get a new steel pick), so I mine some iron in Rimmington to make some iron bars to sell. I end up with about 16 bars, which is plenty enough to buy the legs, and a steel pick to boot.

Having finished recouping my loss from earlier, I set my sights on Demon Slayer, which I start since I'm already there. This is another quest with a lot of running around in order to grab 3 keys to get a demon killing sword. The first key is easy, but i struggle a bit with the key in the sewers when I take a wrong turn and end up in an area with aggressive spiders. While they come close to killing me, they failed. Now I need 25 bones to get the third key, so I head back to Lumbridge to kill some giant rats (since there are rats in the swamp near where the key is). I choose rats because I can use the meat to make meat pies when my cooking level is high enough. Killing rats not only gives me 25 bones, but a 15 Defence and 14 Hit Points.

With all 3 keys in hand, I start back to Varrock to get the Silverlight, and kill Delrith. The major problem facing me is that there is a swarm of dark wizards hanging about, and they'll do their best to murder me. Food is another problem, as I only have 4 shrimp and 5 redberry pies left. I stop to do some fishing in Lumbridge. While shrimp are pretty much bottom of the barrel as far as food goes, my reasoning is that if I have a lot, I should be able to make easy work of the upcomming encounter. I end up with 25 shrimp, Fishing level 6 and Cooking level 15.

I ended up fighting the two level 7 dark wizards before I found out that you can hide behind the altar, which is what I did from the level 20 dark wizard. I had trouble hitting pretty much anything (and used 3 redberry pies and 23 shrimp), but eventually I killed Delrith and sent him back from whence he came. Quest Complete: Silverlight.

All that work for a sword which is not quite as good as the steel battle axe I already have.

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