
Monday, May 12, 2008

Chapter 2-Episode 13: Struggling Through Heroes Quest

I, for some odd reason, enjoy struggling. I must. This is why I like to do quests long before I should. The only reason this has occurred to me is because Heroes Quest is at hand, and I already know what I'm up against.

I start out by getting the Ice Gloves, which requires me to kill a level 111 ice queen to get. At Combat Level 49, this is no small feat. I'm not exagerating when I say it was an epic battle that took a bit over 17 minutes, and I used almost an entire inventory of lobsters in the process (good thing I fished so many). I bank all my armor and weapons (I grab Varrock teleport runes while I'm there) and head to Entrana to get my feather. This battle is not so epic by comparison...

I stop by the fishing shop at Port Sarim and start on the lava eel section of the quest. This is a bit easier than the last part was, although it does require a good amount of walking for me. I buy some Harralander at the Grand Exchange, make my oily rod and head to Taverly dungeon. Since I've never been here, I have to go and get the dusty key. I fish 10 eels, in case I burn some or accidentally eat one.

The final part is the part I was dreading...and was the part I referred to in chapter 12 being not so smart. I now need a partner for the quest, who must get me a key so I can get inside the back room of the Black Arm gang's hideout so I can kill Grip with range. I've been dreading this because my range is 10.

It doesn't take very long to find a partner (Bla Bla Bl00), and he makes his way to Brimhaven to get me the key. The battle, however, doesn't take as long as I thought it would. I hit lots of 1's and 2's, and within a few minutes Grip is dead and I have the candlestick I need to get the last item I need for the quest: the master thief's armband. All that is left to do now is take the items to Achietties.

Quest Complete: 1 Quest Point, 29,232 experience spread over 12 skills, Access to the Heroes Guild (41 Attack, 37 Strength, 48 Defence, 17 Range, 41 Hit Points, 37 Woodcutting, 42 Smithing).

While there are some decent features to the Heroes Guild, the most important feature is the fountain in the caves underneath it. I can use it to recharge Amulets of Glory...which have 4 very handy teleport locations. I can now start investing in these wonderful items.

Unfortunately, as you can see, I blew past my goal by one combat level...but I did finish the quest at combat level 49.

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